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Christmas Eve Candlelight Singers

Hey!  Got a favorite Christmas appropriate-for-a-church-service song you want to share with everyone at the Christmas Eve Candlelight Service? Maybe a solo or a duet or a trio or whatever you want to work up?  Then SIGN UP on the sheet in the lobby OR send an email by clicking the button below.

Here's what you need to include:

  1. Your Name

  2. Your Email Address

  3. The NAME of the song you want to sing

  4. The number of people who will be participating

The Park Meadows Band (as a group) will not be available to accompany you but some individual band members may be.  The responsibility for lining up those individuals and rehearsing your selection is ALL YOURS. Otherwise, you should provide whatever accompaniment you need as an audio CD or .mp3 file on a flash drive. If you notify Robin weeks in advance, we probably can arrange to be able to play your accompaniment directly from your phone (if that's the best you can give us).

Assume you will need to be at the church by 4:00PM on Christmas Eve for a sound check.  You probably will have the chance to run through your song ONE TIME (assuming you arrive in a timely manner). 

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